Why polls asking voters now for their opinions about Mueller are almost certain to be misleading: some remarks on the USA Today/Suffolk poll.
If you were an American who was not following Trump-Russia closely enough (which is probably 99%+ of Americans), you might very well think that the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt (just as Trump has claimed) for two reasons: 2/11
First, you would assume that Mueller’s was primarily a criminal investigation, and second, you would assume (naturally enough) that if Mueller had found any evidence of crimes that were Russia-connected, we would know that by now.
But both these assumptions are mistaken. 3/11
As I have argued,
As former prosecutor Nelson Cunningham has argued, 5/11
And as Marty Lederman has argued today: 6/11
Mueller’s is primarily a counterintelligence investigation. Prosecutions are not the purpose of such investigations, though they might turn up prosecutable crimes. 7/11
And Mueller has perfectly sound strategic reasons for holding off on any collusion indictments (or reports of impeachable actions by Trump) to the very last, when he is ready to submit his counterintelligence report. 8/11
Once one has seen this, it will be clear immediately that the length of the investigation does not show that Mueller hasn’t found anything worth reporting: on the contrary, it is evidence that he has found a LOT: otherwise he would have closed up shop long ago. 9/11
Even now 52% of respondents don’t believe or trust Trump’s denials that he didn’t collude with Russia. That number, of course, should be higher — and would be higher if the typical American were paying enough attention. 10/11
But the typical American isn’t paying enough attention — yet. The typical American will pay attention once the MUELLER REPORT(s) is out. Then all the present numbers will become meaningless. 11/11