Trump’s virulent anti-immigration rhetoric and policies have always been about changing demographics and a culture war. “Europe is making a big mistake in ‘allowing millions of people’ (migrants) who have CHANGED THEIR CULTURE. I won’t let that happen here,” he tweeted today.
[Originally published on Twitter June 18, 2018]
Trump today: Europe is making a big mistake in “allowing millions of people” (migrants) who have CHANGED THEIR CULTURE. I won’t let that happen here, he says.
1/ Trump is waging a culture war on the immigration issue. It’s not really about crime. (Immigrants, documented and undocumented, commit fewer crimes on average than citizens.)
2/ Hitler sent Jews to Auschwitz, not because they were criminals or lawbreakers, but because they were cosmopolitan, cultural aliens who did not assimilate to Aryan, German culture.
Process that.