This is what happens when people don’t read the Mueller Report carefully — or even read it at all.
Well, Natasha, if your head is spinning and you think that this is what Mueller concluded, or what Carr committed him to in the joint statement, it is your fault, and the fault of those on our side who have not read the Report carefully enough. 1/8
Natasha Bertrand✔@NatashaBertrand
They seem to be saying that Mueller didn’t view the OLC opinion as a roadblock to indicting Trump because Mueller never actually decided to indict Trump (because, he reiterated earlier, of that OLC opinion.) Truly headspinning.
If those on our side are feeling gobsmacked about this, or thinking that MUELLER’S thinking might be circular and confused, it’s probably because they never really accepted the view that a sitting president cannot be indicted for committing a federal crime. 2/8
It is possible to disagree with that position, but it was a grievous error on the part of many to fail to recognize that it was MUELLER’S OPINION AS WELL! 3/8
I saw this pitfall coming miles away — as early as May 1, when I wrote this thread: 4/8
Here’s the passage from the Report (it’s right there in black and white on p. 1 for God’s sake). Mueller says: “AND APART FROM OLC’S CONSTITUTIONAL VIEW, *WE* RECOGNIZED that a federal criminal accusation….” 7/8
Could anything be clearer? And it’s on p. 1! Were there people who didn’t even read page 1???!! 8/8