Mueller will release his report(s) as soon as he has enough evidence against Trump to get him impeached for conspiracy. He likely has that now. So the report(s) could come soon.

Thomas Wood
3 min readJan 30, 2019


Mueller will release his report(s) as soon as he has enough evidence against Trump to get him impeached for conspiracy. He likely has that now. So the report(s) could come soon.

Contra .@SethAbramson, I believe Mueller will have wrapped up enough of his investigation to submit one or more reports fairly soon. I also believe that the report(s) will provide irrefutable evidence that Trump conspired with Russia during the election. 1/16

Abramson provides a long list of ongoing investigations and projected future indictments to show that there is a great deal of work still to be done. He concludes from this that Mueller himself will not wrap up anytime soon. 2/16

But there is no reason to think that Mueller can, or will, issue his report(s) only when every rock has been turned over. 3/16

I agree that there is still a lot of work to be done. But it doesn’t follow that Mueller doesn’t ALREADY have enough evidence of collusion (more properly called “conspiracy”) to take Trump down. 4/16

And if he already does have enough evidence — does .@SethAbramson believe he does? I do — then it makes sense that Mueller will finish and release his report(s) fairly soon. 5/16

Remember: this investigation is not now, and has not been, about anyone but Trump. Other heads may fall — and deserve to fall — along the way, as Mueller proceeds up the prosecutorial ladder flipping people, but the others are just roadkill. 6/16

It is reasonable to believe that, as soon as Mueller has what he needs to take down Trump, he will do so. That is what the nation needs and deserves, and there is no good reason why Mueller would not do it as soon as he can do it. 7/16

Releasing the report soon would not, so far as I know, jeopardize any ongoing investigations. Indeed, once all the bad actors realize that the game is up, even for Trump, they will have no reason to withhold state’s evidence. 8/16

If Trump is forced out of office through the impeachment process, he might pardon people left and right, but pardons would strip non-cooperating bad actors of their Fifth Amendment rights. Damning witness testimony would then flow like a waterfall. 9/16

As I pointed out months ago, a complete investigation and prosecutorial takedown of everyone connected to the Trump campaign could take YEARS, not just weeks or months. But, obviously, Mueller will not and for political reasons cannot wait for YEARS to write a report. 10/16

It follows that Mueller will have to submit his reports before ALL the work has been completed. But when will his report(s) be released? I think the answer is simple: As soon as he has an airtight case for impeachment against Trump. And I believe he has that already. 11/16

As I’ve suggested, publishing a report now doesn’t forestall future revelations providing corroborating evidence for an already published report. 12/16

And a longer, drawn-out process continuing long after Trump has been impeached would be the most agonizing thing imaginable — a kind of Chinese torture — for Trump supporters and collusion deniers. 13/16

In short, .@SethAbramson’s reasoning, that Mueller would only submit his anticipated report soon if he had nothing serious against Trump, seems to me to be unsound. 14/16

What the American voter needs and wants to have is a Yes or No answer to the question: Did Trump and his campaign conspire with Russia against the United States? 15/16

I believe that Mueller can answer that question in the affirmative now and will — probably fairly soon. Voters can wait to hear ALL the details. That could take years. 16/16

PS/ I certainly don’t think any report(s) by Mueller are imminent. He will certainly wait at least until he has all the transcripts from the Congressional hearings.



Thomas Wood
Thomas Wood

Written by Thomas Wood

The Resistance. Vote Blue: True Blue American. We look forward, they look back. We’re progressive, they’re regressive. @twoodiac

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