If Susan Collins thinks l’affaire Kavanaugh will go away after his confirmation, she is a fool. And she is a fool for thinking that it should.
(THREAD) Collins votes YES, so Kavanaugh’s confirmed.
This is the finale of the confirmation VOTE, but it is NOT the end of the #Kavanaugh ISSUE. 1/14
The FBI “investigation” was a sham, and that makes Collins’ special pleading for her YES vote a sham. It was a sickening performance. 2/14
The fatal weakness of her defense of her vote is that there was no meaningful investigation. Merely seeking corroboration in the form of direct, eyewitness testimony from the participants of the 1 Jul 1982 meeting does not constitute a meaningful investigation. 3/14
Collins PLEADED for Ds to move on and get over it. We won’t. 4/14
If Ds get the House on Nov 6, which is likely, Ds will demand to see FBI Director Wray’s notes of everything that went on behind the scenes. Either Wray is a compromised fraud (unlikely), or the WH limited the investigation. 5/14
When that fact emerges, Collin’s speech today trying to establish her high-mindedness will collapse, because she did not demand a meaningful investigation before voting to confirm. 6/14
Collins also wants to have it both ways about Blasey Ford. Central to Collins’ defense of voting in favor of confirmation was the mistaken identity theory: Ford was assaulted by someone, but not by Kavanaugh. 7/14
This is a perfectly absurd theory. Either Blasey Ford was physically and sexually assaulted by #Kavanaugh, or she is LYING. 8/14
I COULD NOT BE MISTAKEN ABOUT THIS, Dr Blasey Ford testified under oath, and all the research on memory loss in physical and sexual trauma backs up her unequivocal denial that she could be mistaken about who attacked her. 9/14
Collins’ endorsement of an utterly absurd theory of the case is not going to age well for her. And can you imagine how Dr Blasey Ford feels right now? 10/14
Sen. Murkowski got it right: Kavanaugh is not the right person for this life-long position. Collins got it wrong. 11/14
We will now have an associate member on the Supreme Court that way more than half the voters of the country believe should not have been confirmed. That isn’t going to change, Susan. 12/14
Even worse, it’s not just the general public that ended up strongly opposing the nomination: the opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation is UNPRECEDENTED in its scope and intensity for ANY Supreme Court nominee, period. 13/14 tinyurl.com/y8553rbw
Collins hopes that this will go away, but she is a fool if she really thinks it will.
In any case, she is a fool for thinking that it should. 14/14