Black Lives Matter DC and other plaintiffs, represented by the ACLU, have sued Trump, Barr, and others over Monday’s events. This lawsuit is going to be a perfect nightmare, politically and legally, for the Administration.
As I have been predicting would happen, a lawsuit has been filed against Trump, Bill Barr, Secretary Esper and others in response to the violent clearing of Lafayette Park and the ensuing events. 1/9
Here is the text of the ACLU’s lawsuit (BLACK LIVES MATTER D.C. V. TRUMP).
(Note: Donald J. Trump, William P. Barr and others are the defendants.) 2/9
Black Lives Matter D.C. V. Trump
Here is the relief BLMDC and other plaintiffs are requesting of the court: 3/9
The plaintiffs’ claims include violations of the Fourth Amendment. This amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, also covers excessive, unreasonable use of force by police officers. 4/9
Since governmental entities cannot generally be sued for Fourth Amendment violations, such lawsuits typically claim punitive damages against the individuals involved in the alleged violations, as the ACLU has done here. 5/9
This lawsuit is going to be a perfect nightmare for Trump, Barr, and all the other defendants. 6/9
Barr must have realized by the time he got back to the White House on Monday that he had totally screwed up and that the Administration was going to be sued for the fiasco. 7/9
That is probably why Barr looked unusually despondent and shit-faced at the long press briefing he gave today. 8/9
This lawsuit will be in the public eye, in their faces, and tormenting all the defendants between now and election day — and beyond.
And there will likely be more lawsuits as well. 9/9