BBC report by Paul Wood. What he says about the allegation that Cohen made a trip to Prague (he clearly takes the claim seriously but does not endorse it) is interesting because one of Wood’s regular sources is undoubtedly Steele himself.
[Published on Google Docs Aug 22, 2018]
BBC report by Paul Wood. What he says about the allegation that Cohen made a trip to Prague (he clearly takes the claim seriously but does not endorse it) is interesting because one of Wood’s regular sources is undoubtedly Steele himself. #cohen
Paul Wood continues to take seriously (though he does not endorse) the Steele dossier’s claim about Cohen’s trip to Prague. I find this significant because I am sure that Steele has been and continues to be a source for Paul Wood. Accordingly, I take this as a reason to think that Steele himself believes the allegation continues to have standing. (Steele has said that, in general, 70–90% of the dossier will be confirmed.)
Wood also says: “One source in the intelligence community told me that there was an electronic trail that put Cohen in Prague.” Wood says there is no corroboration of that claim, but I find this interesting. It’s the first time I’ve heard it.
Wood’s report also includes footage of Jonathan Winer, the go-between for Christopher Steele, Victoria Nuland (State Department), and Bruce Ohr and others in the FBI when Steele was writing the memos.