An update on the expected publication of the MUELLER REPORT
Note: This was uploaded 5 Mar 2019; it was written on 3 Mar 2019.
Yesterday when I posted about this, Skyhorse Publishing gave a release date of March 26. I notice just now that Skyhorse has moved the date on its site back to March 28.) 1/8
Skyhorse has not modified or dropped its claim (made at least by Saturday) that “Mueller … has concluded his investigation and submitted its findings to Attorney General William Barr.” 2/8
As for Simon and Schuster: It now is advertising on its site TWO different editions of the book, one (which is new for Simon & Schuster, as far as I know) which is the Skyhorse edition, with an intro by Alan Dershowitz 3/8
and another, which was up yesterday when I posted, which is advertised as an edition by WaPo/Scribner. (Publication date “March 2019,” as before.) 4/8
As for Amazon, it is advertising both editions, and both have a publication date of March 26! The edition with the Intro by Dershowitz (Amazon says it’s a Skyhorse publication) is already listed as a best seller. 5/8
If Skyhorse is right, the following NBC report was mistaken. NBC reported this on 22 Feb 2019, but Skyhorse is still claiming that Barr has already received the report. 6/8
In any case, it is surely significant that the “senior DOJ official” cited by NBC said “not next week.” If all of the above were way off (as many people are still claiming), the official would not have put it that way. 7/8
I know nothing about the publishing business. (Maybe someone can help me.) Perhaps Simon and Schuster as an imprint company and distributor works with PUBLISHERS like Scribner and Skyhorse. Maybe that explains the apparent confusion. 8/8