A vote against Trump in 2020 will also be a vote FOR his inevitable indictment once he is out of office
The House Judiciary hearings will help voters realize that a vote against Trump’s reelection will also be a vote FOR his inevitable indictment once he is out of office
Even if the House Judiciary Committee never proceeds beyond impeachment *investigations,* the hearings will help burn down Trump in the election. 1/7
The hearings will undoubtedly continue well into the campaign season, and voters will realize as election day approaches that Trump will almost surely be indicted if he fails to be reelected. 2/7
Most voters will not likely pass up the opportunity this will present to REALLY put Trump away (almost literally) 3/7
The 2020 election won’t just be a choice between “Reelect or not reelect”; it will also be a choice between “Indict or not indict.”
When they go to the polls, voters will realize that THEY are the deciders, not the courts or Congress, 4/7
and Trump has already overextended his welcome with most voters. (Forget Trumpers; they’ve been a minority ever since inauguration day.) 5/7
In principle, after Trump lost the election he could resign sometime between election day and inauguration day, giving Pence, who would then become Acting President, an opportunity to pardon him, but that wouldn’t be such a bad outcome either, 6/7
because Trump would still be indictable in NY for state crimes; and if Trump and Pence did that, voters would be so outraged it would take years for the GOP to recover — if it ever did. 7/7